Tuesday, April 26, 2011

P2P File Sharing

File sharing, in my opinion, is the act of obtaining digital copies of information from other users free of charge.  This is done with programs and applications where users are able to access a song, movie, picture or other files from other user's PC.  Although nothing is being stolen, file sharing can be seen as a method of replicating these digital data for other users.
P2P or peer to peer file sharing is the act of having users access other users network to obtain files.  One example of this is the use of Napster to download free music.  As the name suggests, peer to peer requires users to be connected to each other, via a program, where they can access the files or songs of other users.  After finding the file they want to share, they would download the file onto their computer while the original file still remains on the users PC.
Another example of P2P file sharing is the use of bit torrent programs as explained Stelter and Stone's New York Times article entitled, "Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios."  The process of using bit torrents is now simple as all it takes is "Using a search engine, anyone can find free copies of movies, still in theaters, in a matter of minutes."  The process of bit torrents involve taking bits and pieces of data from different users uploading and sharing the same file.
With peer to peer file sharing, many industries today are feeling the effects due to piracy.  As a result of this, prices are usually increased to off balance the loss in sales.

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